Allergies and Air Purifiers

Placing air purifiers in key areas of your house is essential to staving off alleric reactions. Your bedroom is a major key area. It is not uncommon for allergy sufferers experience attacks in the middle of the night. This is because your respiratory system relaxes during sleep. Because of this relaxation, you become more susspetable to allergic attacks, and they also become more traumatic. It is recommended to keep an air purifier running in your bedroom 24 hours a day with the door closed. In order to survive the daytime during allergy season, you need to sleep in the cleanest environment possible.
Placing air purifiers in other areas your family spends a lot of time in is the next step. Make certain you obtain an air purifier that is large enough to cover the space, and be sure to get the right kind of air purifier. For instance, if you like to grill indoors regularly, it is best you purchase an air purifier for your kitchen that will absorb chemicals. How do I choose the right Air Purifier for me? Well, it certainly helps to know what casues your allergic reactions. The majority of allergy doctors recommend HEPA allergy air purifiers. HEPA means High Energy Particulate Arresting. In lamens terms, that means it sucks up the particles flying around in the air. The best HEPA Air Purifiers have 5-10 year warranties on the machines themselves. HEPA filters have to be changed. Take notice when discarding one. You’ll be thankful you didn’t breathe it in!
Other types of allergy air purifiers use ionization or electro-static technology to attract the particals. While these can be helpful the HEPA air purifier is hands down the best way get the majority of pollutants and toxins out of your air. Stay away from air purifiers that use on ozone generation technology. Consumer Reports says "ozone generators should not be where people are." These air purifiers are fine for industry, but not for people.
It is also enormously helpful if air purifiers you choose have enough activated carbon to absorb gases and odors. Volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), paint fumes, formaldehyde outgassing, ozone etc. can be absorbed along with particulates such as pollen.
Purchase high quality air purifiers to clean your home and mark your calendar so you remember to change the filters. Some air purifiers will have an indicator light to remind you when a filter needs to be changed, but not all of them do. The main thing is to change them on time, every time!
Choosing an Air Purifier
So let's face it - indoor air pollution occurs in virtually all buildings and homes. As a counter measure, Hunter has developed a line of affordable "Whisper Quiet" QuietFlo™ Air Purifiers. These air purifiers offer a programmable Hepa Air Cleaner that allows you to set when and how long it will operate. The Hunter® QuietFlo™ has a digital filter change reminder and is effective at capturing 99.97% airborne particles. The popular slimline styling allows their air cleaners to be placed flush against a wall or in the corner. If you are on a budget, look to the value priced Hunter HEPAtech® Air Purifiers.
HEPA filtration technology was originally developed by the US Atomic Energy Commission to filter our radioactive "dust" and materials from the air. Unlike many airpurifiers, once particles are "captured" by a HEPA air purifier, they are not released back into the air. HEPA air purifiers will lose their efficiency over time, but do run the risk of clogging.
Choosing an air purifier that utilizes a pre-filter, such as a Hunter HEPAtech or IQ Air Healthpro is highly recommended. A pre-filter removes larger particles (1 micron and larger) before they reach the HEPA filter, ultimately extending the life of the purifier. Most HEPA filters will last up to 2-5 years under normal conditions.
IQ Air makes the most effective and efficient air purifiers on the market due to their patented Hyper-HEPA technology. It you can believe it, this tcleans the air better then the highly recommended HEPA Air Purifier. IQ Air's Healthpro and Healthpro Plus HEPA air purifiers have some of the only filters that meet stringent standards set by the Swiss Government. IQ Air has assessed the difficult situation of clearing the air of volatile gases and cigarette smoke. Their line of industrial strength air cleaner purifiers is worth every penny for the purest air possible.